Saturday, September 24, 2016

Keeping Kids Healthy
Through Flu Season & All Winter Long .... 

1.  To give a good nutritional foundation to the brain and nervous system and to the whole child, a good should always begin with a quality multivitamin/mineral, like Shaklee's Incredivites  
 2. Then add:
     Chewable Vita C - essential for a healthy immune system.  Take extra at the onset of a cold or virus.
     Optiflora (probiotic) - Essentail for any child who's ever been on an antibiotic..restores essential flora where 80% of the immune system resides.
     Nutriferon - Yet another recent clinical study from Cornell Medical School proves its effectiveness against flu viruses.  Immune support at the cellular level.

3.  Keep handy:
     Defend & Resist Complex - Echinacea plus herbs increase activity of white blood cells to gobble up viruses and  bacteria.
     Alfalfa Complex - natural decongestant; excellent for children reluctant to eat vegetables.

And follow these healthy habits:
  • 10 hours of sleep for children; 9 for teens; 8 for adults
  • Most important;  Plan meals to incorporate 6-9 vegetables/day - like celery, broccoli, zucchini, green beans, carrots
  • Avoid (or minimize) SUGAR & baked goods - we know this is tough, but is seriously damaging to the immune system & especially the brain.  Sugar and white flour are called the anti-nutrients becasue they deplete B vitamins & other essential nutrients.
  • Maintain indoor humidity between 30-50% 
Wishing you and your family a happy & healthy fall and winter!

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

 Skip the Triclosan and Other Antibacterial Products

By Alexandra Zissu, Editorial Director

America is in the midst of a serious antibacterial craze. From soap and toothpaste to playing cards and kitchenware, it’s a challenge to find a product that isn’t currently available in an antibacterial version. The majority of these products rely on an antibacterial agent called triclosan to make them hyper-hygienic.

Though it may seem wise to abolish germs at every turn, according to experts, surrounding your family with antibacterial everything is not actually a good idea. For one thing, living in an ultra-sanitized environment may ironically be quite unhealthy. A theory called the Hygiene Hypothesis says that when our bodies cease encountering a lot of bacteria and viruses in daily life, our immune systems stop getting the workout they need to stay in proper shape. When that happens we face an increased risk of allergies, asthma, and other illnesses.

There’s also the issue of triclosan itself. Exposure to this synthetic pesticide, which is currently found in the urine of 75 percent of all people tested, has been linked to cancer, hormone disruption, liver damage, and other health problems. Triclosan is also a serious pollutant that breaks down in the environment into extremely toxic chemicals including a form of dioxin and carcinogenic chloroform. And there’s evidence it may be contributing to the creation of new antibiotic-resistant “super germs.”

Clearly triclosan is not a pesticide we want in our homes, around our children, or in our bodies. It’s also not one anyone needs in order to practice good hygiene. Studies have shown that simple handwashing with ordinary soap is just as effective at removing bacteria as using an antibacterial soap. Many groups, including the American Medical Association and Physicians for Social Responsibility, have come out against the use of triclosan.

To keep triclosan out of your home, avoid the use of anything labeled antibacterial. Read claims on everything from socks to personal care products to toddler training potties to cleaning products. Skip any that contain triclosan or claim that they are antibacterial or odor fighting.

Still concerned about germs? Teach your kids to frequently and properly wash their hands. After soaping up with warm water, they should rub enthusiastically for 20 seconds, paying attention to their fingernails, wrists, and spaces between fingers. That will keep them healthier at school, day care, and other places where germs congregate. One study found that frequent handwashing results in 45 percent fewer cases of respiratory ailments, no pesticide needed.
Article courtesy of
 August 24, 2016

Stay Hydrated!Girl Drinking Water

We all know that water is important, but do you know just how beneficial drinking water can be?
Water  has been shown to help out when it comes to weight loss, fatigue, hunger, headaches, skin issues such as acne….and so much more. Our bodies are made up of mostly water — 70% of our brain and nearly 90% of our lungs, for example — so it is no wonder they need replenishing all day long.

Here are some more easy tips for incorporating water into your regular activities:

  • Water First. Instead of grabbing your usual soda or a Cup of Joe, look to water as your regular beverage of choice.
  • Top Of The Morning. Make it a habit to hydrate first thing in the morning when you wake up. Keep a glass of water right by your bedside so it is the first thing you think of as you start your day.
  • AHW…Always Have Water. Be sure to always have water with you or have access to it at work, when you are driving, while running errands and elsewhere.

A good rule of thumb: Some experts recommend taking your body weight and dividing it by two to get a baseline amount of how much water you need each day.  If you live in a hot climate, drink diuretics such as coffee or exercise daily, be sure to add in more H2O!

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